Friday, September 18, 2009

"Cattle class" or "donkey class"

What morons these politicos!! Creating such hue and cry over a small cattle class remark. Indian politicians today belong to donkey class if there is one.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dr.Kalam under fire

I came across this utter nonsensical post published by Churumuri calling Dr.Kalam names. Its highly unfortunate that people have lost the art of making logical comments.

Some questions:
What were these scientists doing, when the tests were conducted??
Why is it that reverse-engineering so demeaning?
Why is it a scientist ought to have a Dr Appended to his name??
Why is it that IISC must be the yardstick for "scientific credential" measurement??

At the outset this looks a conspiracy to malign the gem called Kalam born out of professional jealousy. None of these egomaniacal scientists can match the personality of Kalam in inspiring millions of Indians.