Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Witzel shown the boot

Micheal Witzel, the contemporary "historian", who has fought all the while for the cause of Aryan Invasion Theory is shown the place where he belongs to. Check this link. . Its quite humorous.

I have not read their books, nor do I care to waste my time on those. 2 well researched books, "Eminent Historians" by Arun Shourie and "Aavarana" by S L Byrappa were enough to convince me of the grave injustice done to millions of Indians by the Nehruvian and Marxist academicians. Interestingly these people and their ilks have not produced any scientific data to counter the arguments of Arun Shorie and S L Byrappa. All they have is expletives like "fascist", "hindutva" etc. Typical "Spit and Run" case.

In fact Dr. B.R Ambedkar though not a professional historian, was the first to propound the theory that 1857 war of Indian Independence was nothing more than a Jihadic attempt to establish an Islamic Republic in India in his book Pakistan. Today things are falling in place and there is a clear case for the same. (Read 1857 Jihad by Prof. SheshRao More).

The underlining point is we need to get these "Eminent Historians" to attend more and more conferences and public debates. Defeat them in their own ball game.

One more funny thing to illustrate how illogical these people can get, when I was discussing the issue of manipulation of Indian History a Gandhian friend of mine during a leisurely talk in office , when he had exhausted all expletives against me said "There are always 50% people on both sides of the argument". :P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The most balanced book I have read about this topic is "The Aryan Debate" edited by Thomas R. Trautmann who is a Professor in the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. It presents a collection of papers on both sides of the debate with archeological, historical and linguistic evidence.