Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Liberal absurdity

Recently there has been lot of furore for and against the Delhi High Court verdict sanctifying Homosexual relationship. I was truly appaled at the level of debate on this issue on most of the channels. I somehow feel that tailor made "liberal" audience and spokespersons are got in the studios to further the cause of the "liberals".

I am truly amazed at the double-speak of these "liberals" because they use Hinduism eitherways both to support their claims and defile the Sanatana-Dharma. Its not to say that Hinduism is perfect. Nothing is perfect , world is full of imperfections. I am amazed though at the audacity with which the "liberals" use Hinduism as a pawn to degrade and denigrate Hinduism and Hindus. These are the same people who revile the ancient Hindus as deep down castiest, superstitious people as evident in our text books and these are the same ones who say Hinduism in ancient days was very broad-minded and its evident because of the Kama-sutra, Khajuraho temples. These are the same ones who say drinking is cool and a fad and the next day you have one of their ilks running over some pedestrians. :) These are the same people who would call a bikini clad woman progressive, yet forget that a bikini clad woman by all means is viewed as a commodity by men. Pushing a women into burkha is as blashpemous as pushing one into a bikini in the name of progressiveness.

One of the noted journalists in an article called such people as Page 3s who are jobless and hence they find solace in such activism. True isn't it? To add to this the lack of clarity that the so called upholders of Hinduism have i.e. the VHP and allied organisations in presenting their case.

I was taken aback when one of the supporters of the LGBT movement made a statement that "Hinduism is full of Homosexuality and Bestiality". The statement is akin to saying all Indians are murderers since some Indians commit murders. How can one reduce the Hindu tenets to an erotic temple in Khajuraho and Kama-sutra?

True Indeed that there were homosexual and bestial Hindus. But were they treated as equals. A cursory glance of the manu-smriti will give enough hints on the rules prescribed with dealing with homosexuals. Yes, for every manvantara there is a manu and his presciption for the society. So the Hindu society has had many manu-smritis prescribed over different periods of time . Infact its a candid admission that such sexual orientation exists and it needs to be dealt with in all these texts.

Keeping all religious dogmas aside, the question one needs to ask is how does homosexuality add value to the society? The general argument of the LGBT community and their sympathisers is that homosexuality is harmless. But how does being a homosexual add value to the growth of society? How "liberal" can one get? Where does one draw the line between Individual freedom and societal norms? These are the questions that the "liberals" never answer nor do the people on the other side tend to ask. They stick to a pure rhetoric saying its not natural or the quran or bible doesnt allow such a practice. I am taken aback by the vulgarity in the kind of public protests the LGBT folks have been carrying on. One has every right to voice their opinion, but surely not by carrying placards of dirty talk, men wearning bras etc in public domain. Freedom comes with responsibility, but unfortunately the holier-than-thou "liberals" forget the same.

What next? Sanctify homosexual marriages? Adoption rights to the homosexuals? Sanctify incest and bestiality? Where will it end? Will anybody think of the effects of such "liberalism" on society? Will anyone think of the trauma that an adopted child of the homosexuals will go through? Should a society be held hostage to the whims n fancies of a hostile minority?

These are the questions that everyone needs to ask before we let a judge decide issues related to the society.

Incidentally there seems to be no single case filed under article 377 till date as told by the Chief justice of India. So where is the "persecution" which the "liberals" have been talking of all the while?

BTW I found this news item on the internet http://ibnlive.in.com/news/suicide-tourism-swiss-clinic-helps-uk-musician-wife-die/97155-2.html . I wont be surprised if the "liberals" use Bhishma pitamaha to further their cause next. Its believed Bhishma chose his time of death and the day is celebrated as Bhishma ekadasi. Further more they might equate many of our gurus like raghavendra swamiji, Shridara swamiji etc who went to samadhi when alive as suicidal. Liberals are truly absurd isn't it??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do see the manufacture of consent by naom chomsky and read about the differences and similarities between the solipistic and a believers point of view of the world.